Jag hade turen att få vara inbäddad bloggare på årets SIME-konferens. Ödet ville dock att jag skulle lyckas dubbelboka mig på dag 1 vilket gjorde att jag helt enkelt fick ta igen det på dag 2. Jag återpostar mina bloggpostningar här som tidigare postats på Simes blogg.
Trying to embrace all those bits and pieces of thoughts left from this years SIME. I did most tweeting and since I only attended day 2, I’m just going to let my thoughts flow on what I think was the biggest take aways from the day.
“We got technology – we need passion”
Although SIME never have the density of technology talks I thought it was refreshing that the biggest take away was to reinvent the experience of passion. We are now in the second wave of inventing the social aspects of internet and again we have to try to capture the same passion that arouse that feverish startup craze during the end of 00s.
This is also aligned with the change of values that now reign: the social individual, the personalization of brands and the democratization of technology and speech. “Heavy metal management” Pär-Jörgen Pärson and Ola Ahlvarson talked about the future of management, where they and recommend we should look at the great bands of rock n roll how they are able to manage those eternal tours, yet year after year doing the same thing. The take aways are: be epic, be consistent, be true.
And yes: be passionate. I think this is important since we have two parallel ways of moving forward: always invent new ways to make business via the social and technology, but also to reinvent and manage improvements on what we invented before.
“We are old but here we are”
Day 1 there was a discussion of the gender balance at stage. It is an important question to take under consideration, but sometimes it tends to be caught in a quantifying head count of the speakers gender. I find it stupid not to try to balance the gender among speakers, even though there are no winners if the first and foremost necessity of a speaker is knowing what they are talking about. What struck me though was the lack of young people on stage. When speaking about innovation, about future of media and the technology as democratization, the lack of people under thirty are strange. I don’t think the myth “don’t hire anyone above 25 if you should work with internet” is true, but as well as focusing on gender balance on stage, age balance must be taken under consideration as well.
“Here’s why and what – where’s the how”
I wrote a blog post day 1 of SIME, trying to catch up what had been the discussions on stage by reading that days tweets, on my way back from the workshop I had worked with that day civil services tactics and operative on Facebook. To be able to come to the next level we need to explore the How more. Strategies are just paper tigers when lacking a tactical layer. The tactics are just useless chess playing without the operational reality. That’s something missing in the talks of SIME: so mobile first – what does that mean and how do we do it?