Heidi Harman about user-driven innovation.
Mycket bra, mycket klart och koncist och spännande just när det handlar om att iterera och använda agila metoder för att driva projekt – och där också bjuda in till en sorts mer open source-tänkande utveckling.
About user-driven innovation – a means for social innovation. From the smokesignals – to the broadcasting – to the user-driven development
Social innovation happens in the meeting between gov, corp/comp and NGOs – when the users is invited to interact. And this would be able to make change faster.
Starts with the WTF-factor. User-driven innovation: co-creation, crucial information from high involved users, opportunity of the conversation and relation with the users aka target-group.
The agile process: idea, design and build an alpha, iterate and analyze, rebuild and test into a beta test and so on.
Processleadership: premisses and rules
Set the values of the process – rules to build trust. Define the role-distribution (fascilitator/co-creator) and set expectations. Keep a positive environment for ideas to flourish. Stick to the Yes or No-phase. And be brave.
Focus – what are we looking for. Yesphase – no way to say no. Nophase – selection of the ideas that are interesting.
Exploration: instead of looking on the things that are not home as “unhome” – watch for new second, third and fourth homes.
Co-operation and trust. Both with co-creators and of customers.
A good discussion about if the community is always right. Albeit what if majority is thinking good a bad idea or if the majority is always mainstream – the edge-ideas aren’t visible.